Another Phishing Attempt
The “originality” that scammers use to try to get people to click on their emails… Nope, this doesn’t look phishy at all!
We are here to provide clear and valuable information to decrease all the noise in this technical industry so you can feel confident in selecting your next development team.
The “originality” that scammers use to try to get people to click on their emails… Nope, this doesn’t look phishy at all!
Here are the latest attempts at phishing that our team has received. Funny how poorly these are written considering these scammers are trying to get your personal information.
Hackers are always trying new ways to trick you in to giving them your personal information! Here’s the latest to come across our path.
An example of a VERY BAD attempt at phishing! Notice all of the hyperlink URLs – NONE of the links [point to OneDrive. And they signed the email OneDriveS!!!
Be on the lookout for this phishing scam in your inbox! Notice how the email uses a local address (in this case an address in Bellingham, WA) to look more legitimate.
One of our team members received this email today from “Wells Fargo” – CLEARLY a phishing scam!
Use caution when opening and clicking on ANY links in an email! It may be a phishing scam! This email from “Microsoft” was received by a team member at J Street.
One of our team members received a new type of phishing email – this one says that their account has seen irregular activity!
Heads up – scammers are getting more and more tricky! One of our team received this email from “Microsoft”.
Here are the latest phishing attempts that have been received by our team. Funny how poorly these are written, seeing as how these scammers are
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