The Lottery Problem

Armen Stein
J Street is always buzzing, even when we’re drinking decaf!  Here are some things I’ve been thinking about.

~ Armen Stein

Yahoo User Information Hacked

More like Boo Hoo!

Sadly there has been another hacker attack at Yahoo, putting passwords, secret questions & answers, and personal information at risk. 

If you have a Yahoo account be sure to follow these instructions to update your information!

There have been movies made about it, and it happens in real life.  A regular hard-working person buys a lottery ticket and wins BIG – and promptly quits their job.  A terrific windfall for that person, but what about the company they leave?  How well will your business system continue if a key person suddenly doesn’t come to work?  Are there other team members that can perform those vital tasks?

As a business owner, I try to prepare for these major life events.  Whether it’s a lottery, another job, illness, death, or any other sudden event, I would like my business to be able to continue on.

To ensure that we are covered, our team:

  • has overlapping skills
  • communicates with each other on projects and tasks
  • documents what we’ve done
  • follows our standards and industry best practices

We use technology to streamline tasks and to help make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.  Weekly team meetings to discuss current projects also help keep everyone in the loop.

As we start a new year I encourage you to be prepared for the Lottery Problem.  Not sure where to start or how to proceed?  Contact us – we can help!  From enhancing and integrating your current systems to designing a new one, advising on CTO issues, implementing Office 365 and SharePoint services, and much more – J Street has your back!

Infiniti Retires My System After 25 Years

I learned that last year, Infiniti car dealerships finally retired the software application that they launched with the Infiniti brand in 1990.  I co-designed that system when I worked at DIS Corporation in Bellingham.  It was ahead of its time – for example, it could look up service history by a car’s license plate or VIN, even from other dealerships.  This was before the web existed – each dealer had a satellite dish to communicate with Nissan headquarters in California!

A lifespan of 25 years is an eternity in software applications, especially when it crossed Y2K with no disruptions.  I’m really proud of what we accomplished!

What Clients Say About J Street

“J Street Technology has been an invaluable support system this past year to my start-up educational technology company, MasterTrack.

They offered easy, one stop shopping! Once our needs were identified, J Street offered a team of specialists to support each area.

Armen provided top-rate consulting CTO services, quickly assessing our company’s technical needs and immediately offering expert, strategic advice in moving forward more effectively and efficiently. Other

J Street team members helped us set up our internal communication and file systems and helped us set up, understand, and use Office 365 and Salesforce. They even provided software testing services for the latest version of our MasterTrack software!

It is comforting to know that we have J Street to lean on for all of our technical needs! Thank you J Street Technology for providing these awesome services!”

Torrey Volk, President,

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